About JS Racing Pigeons:
Jim Smith has been associated with the pigeon fancier's community since 1971. Fifty years on, well established, respected, and knowledgeable, his expertise is put to good use producing and acquiring premium quality racing pigeons, which are then offered for sale at competitive prices to the wider pigeon fraternity. After encouragement from his contemporaries he has finally set up this online presence.
Initially a limited number of stock birds can be viewed with new/replacement examples being added as required. Each bird's pedigree details are also published in PDF format. Click/tap here to view an example.
The Ponderosa UK Stud Connection:
The Ponderosa UK Stud has given excellent service to the racing pigeon community for over 40 years, producing countless winners for pigeon fanciers World wide.
Unfortunately, due to health issues both Tony and Mary took the difficult decision to retire, resulting in the sale of their pedigree breeding stock birds. The majority of these birds were purchased by Jim Smith of JS Racing Pigeons, with their off springs available from his loft.
Many of these original pedigree birds can be seen in this interesting and informative "Ponderosa UK Stud" video, filmed during September 2016 during a visit by Keith Mott.
Click/tap to view the video on YouTube.
© 2024 Jim Smith...